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Lambton County archives has a fresh, new look

By April 18, 2019 No Comments

Author: Paul Morden, The Sarnia Observer

A $307,000 renovation project is winding down at the Lambton County Archives and Library Headquarters building in Wyoming.

The work began in December and was largely completed by early April, according to a report prepared by the county’s cultural services division.

The building dates from 1992 and, along with updating the facility, the renovations created additional workstations for county cultural services staff, a meeting space and updated heating and cooling.

The work also brought the building in line with new accessibility laws by installing an accessible height service desk at the archives, a new universal public washroom, upgraded security and LED lighting.

Along with repainting the entire building, the work will include the installation of a lighted display wall at the archives to allow for rotating public exhibits.

The county said the archives has returned to full operation while the project’s contractor is expected to complete a few outstanding items in the coming weeks.